Exam I, CS 257


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Some have said that I can't sing. But no one will say that I didn't sing.
- Florence Foster Jenkins

  1. Fill in the two missing entries in this table: (5 points each)
    printed representationbox and pointer diagram
    (a b (c d) ())
    (a b (c) ((d) e f) g)

  2. evaluate the following: (2 points each)
    (cons '(a b c) '(d e f)) 
    (list '(a b c) '(d e f)) 
    (caddr '(a b (c d) e f)) 
    (map even? '(1 2 3 4)) 
    (let ((a 1))
      (let ((a 2)
    	(b (+ a 2)))
        (list 'a a 'b b)))

  3. Given the following code:
    (define (a-to-1 wd)
      (if (equal? wd 'a) 1 0))
    (define (neato fn lst)
      (cond ((null? lst) 0)
    	((not (list? lst))
    	 (fn lst))
    	(else (+ (neato fn (car lst))
    		 (neato fn (cdr lst))))))
    (define (foo expr)
      (neato a-to-1 expr))
    1. What does (foo '(a b c (a d) a)) return? (5 points)

    2. In one short English sentence, what does foo do? (5 points)

    3. Define bar, which adds up all the numbers in an s-expression, ignoring any non-numbers. Eg (bar '(a 1 2 (3 b))) gives 6. Use neato from above to make your definition very simple. (5 points)

  4. Define the higher-order function curry that takes as arguments a function of two arguments F and a value X and returns a function that when passed an argument Y returns the result of applying F to X and Y. (10 points)


    ((curry + 3) 1)                                 ; 4
    ((curry cons 'dog) '(cat rat))                  ; (dog cat rat)
    (let ((f (curry assoc 'blood)))
      (f '((hair brown)(blood red)(tongue pink))))  ; (blood red)

  5. Define replace, which takes three arguments: an s-expression E and two symbols A and B. It replaces every occurance within E of the symbol A by the symbol B. (10 points)


    (replace '(a b c (a d) a) 'a 'aye)   ; (aye b c (aye d) aye)

  6. Extra credit: Define the reshape function, which takes two s-expressions as arguments. These two sexprs should contain the same number of words embedded within them, and reshape returns a sexpr with the same ``shape'' as its first argument, but with successive words from inside its second argument substituted for successive words of its first argument. (3 points + respect)


    (reshape 'a '((((1)))))           ; 1
    (reshape '((((a)))) '1)           ; ((((1))))
    (reshape '(((a (b)))) '((1) 2))   ; (((1 (2))))
    (reshape '(((a (b))) (c d))
             '((1) (2 (((3))) 4)))    ; (((1 (2))) (3 4))