(define (gertrude wd) (se (if (vowel? (first wd)) 'an 'a) wd 'is (if (vowel? (first wd)) 'an 'a) wd 'is (if (vowel? (first wd)) 'an 'a) wd)) ;;; This is what the book wanted: (define (gertrude wd) (let ((article (if (vowel? (first wd)) 'an 'a))) (se article wd 'is article wd 'is article wd))) ;;; but it might be reasonable to share even more: (define (gertrude wd) (let ((article (if (vowel? (first wd)) 'an 'a))) (let ((phrase (se article wd))) (se phrase 'is phrase 'is phrase))))10.4
;;; This doesn't work: (define (superlative adjective WORD) (se (WORD adjective 'est) WORD)) ;;; ... because the WORD formal parameter is shadowing the global ;;; variable WORD which is bound to the usual word-making function. ;;; To fix it we rename: (define (superlative adjective WD) (se (WORD adjective 'est) WD))11.6
(define (countdown n) (if (zero? n) '(blastoff) (se n (countdown (- n 1)))))12.13 - rewrite the 12.13 solution from PS3 (yours or mine, your choice) to use let to simplify and clarify the code.
;;; Here is the routine that could use let. I'm going overboard here. (define (describe-time-aux sec terms lengths) (if (empty? terms) '() (let ((this-unit (first lengths))) (let ((this-unit-count (floor (/ sec this-unit)))) (se (if (zero? this-unit-count) '() (se ;; use inexact->exact to get "xxx.0" -> xxx (inexact->exact this-unit-count) (maybe-pluralize (first terms) this-unit-count))) (describe-time-aux (- sec (* this-unit this-unit-count)) (bf terms) (bf lengths)))))))14.3
(define (member? wd sen) (and (not (empty? sen)) (or (equal? wd (first sen)) (member? wd (bf sen)))))14.7
(define (differences sen) (if (or (empty? sen) (empty? (bf sen))) '() (se (- (first (bf sen)) (first sen)) (differences (bf sen)))))14.8
(define (expand sen) (cond ((empty? sen) '()) ((number? (first sen)) (se (rep-word (first (bf sen)) (first sen)) (expand (bf (bf sen))))) (else (se (first sen) (expand (bf sen)))))) (define (rep-word wd n) (if (= n 0) '() (se wd (stutter wd (- n 1)))))14.11
(define (remove-adjacent-duplicates sen) (cond ((empty? sen) '()) ((or (empty? (bf sen)) (not (equal? (first sen) (first (bf sen))))) (se (first sen) (remove-adjacent-duplicates (bf sen)))) (else (remove-adjacent-duplicates (bf sen)))))14.14
(define (same-shape s1 s2) (or (and (empty? s1) (empty? s2)) (and (not (empty? s1)) (not (empty? s2)) (= (count (first s1)) (count (first s2))) (same-shape (bf s1) (bf s2))))) ;;; Or more succinctly: (define (same-shape s1 s2) (if (empty? s1) (empty? s2) (and (not (empty? s2)) (= (count (first s1)) (count (first s2))) (same-shape (bf s1) (bf s2)))))14.15
(define (merge s1 s2) (cond ((empty? s1) s2) ((empty? s2) s1) ((< (first s1) (first s2)) (se (first s1) (merge (bf s1) s2))) (else (se (first s2) (merge s1 (bf s2))))))