Beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of hell.-St. Augustine
(sumlist '()) ; 0 (sumlist '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) ; 45
(define (sublist lis) (aux lis 0)) (define (aux lis subtotal) (if (null? lis) subtotal (aux (cdr lis) (+ (car lis) subtotal))))
(define (map-reverse f lis) (reverse (map f lis)))Examples:
(map-reverse car '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))) ; (g e c a) (map-reverse - '(1 -2 3 -4 5)) ; (-5 4 -3 2 -1)
(define (map-reverse f lis) (aux f lis '())) (define (aux f lis end-o-result) (if (null? lis) end-o-result (aux f (cdr lis) (cons (f (car lis)) end-o-result))))
(define (foo x y) (cond ((null? x) y) ((pair? x) (foo (car x) (foo (cdr x) y))) (else (cons x y))))Draw the call graph of (foo '(((a) b) c d) '(e f)). Use the return arrows to indicate all tail recursion. Note that foo calls itself twice: once tail-recursively and the other time non-tail-recursively.
You should include a generic animal object, amphibian object, mamal object, reptile object, primate object, and an object for each particular species. All the final animal objects should respond to each of the following messages:
has-thumbs?, biped?, slimy?, hairy?, eye-count, enormous?, sound, sex, flies?, lays-eggs?.
Put all methods as high up the hierarchy as possible, overriding them as necessary.
(send dumbo 'flies?) ; #t (send barak 'flies?) ; #f (send barak 'eye-count) ; 2 (send kermit 'has-thumbs?) ; #f (send fiona 'lays-eggs?) ; #f (send kermit 'lays-eggs?) ; #t (send fifi 'enormous?) ; #f (send gertrude 'enormous?) ; #t (send mrs-piggy 'sex) ; female
;;; Use delegation and prototypes to define a hierarchy of animals ;;; Utilities used (define (send obj selector . args) (apply obj obj selector args)) (define (delegate obj delegee selector . args) (apply delegee obj selector args)) (define (make-instance-with-sex delagee sex) (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sex) sex) (else (apply delegate self delagee selector args))))) ;;; All the leaf animal objects should respond to each of the ;;; following messages: ;;; ;;; has-thumbs? ;;; biped? ;;; slimy? ;;; hairy? ;;; eye-count ;;; enormous? ;;; sound ;;; sex ;;; flies? ;;; lays-eggs? ;;; You should include a generic ;;; ;;; animal object, ;;; amphibian object, ;;; mamal object, ;;; reptile object, ;;; primate object, and ;;; an object for each particular species. ;;; upper levels of evolutionary hierarchy (define animal (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'has-thumbs?) #f) ((equal? selector 'biped?) #f) ((equal? selector 'slimy?) #t) ((equal? selector 'hairy?) #f) ((equal? selector 'eye-count) 2) ((equal? selector 'enormous?) #f) ((equal? selector 'flies?) #f) ((equal? selector 'lays-eggs?) #t) (else (error "unhandled message ~A to ~A" selector self))))) (define amphibian (lambda (self selector . args) (cond (else (apply delegate self animal selector args))))) (define reptile (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'slimy?) #f) (else (apply delegate self animal selector args))))) (define mammal (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'hairy?) #t) ((equal? selector 'slimy?) #f) ((equal? selector 'lays-eggs?) #f) (else (apply delegate self reptile selector args))))) (define primate (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'has-thumbs?) #t) (else (apply delegate self mammal selector args))))) ;;; individual species (for our purposes) (define dog (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'woof) (else (apply delegate self mammal selector args))))) (define elephant (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'trumpet) ((equal? selector enormous?) #t) (else (apply delegate self mammal selector args))))) (define frog (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'ribbit) (else (apply delegate self amphibian selector args))))) (define toad (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'croak) (else (apply delegate self amphibian selector args))))) (define pig (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'oink) (else (apply delegate self mammal selector args))))) (define snake (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'hiss) (else (apply delegate self reptile selector args))))) (define chimp (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'sound) 'ook-ook) (else (apply delegate self primate selector args))))) (define human (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'bipid?) #t) ((equal? selector 'sound) 'yak-yak-yak) (else (apply delegate self primate selector args))))) ;;; Instances - particular animals - be sure to handle SEX (define fido (make-instance-with-sex dog 'male)) (define fifi (make-instance-with-sex dog 'female)) (define dumbo (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'flies?) #t) ((equal? selector 'sex) 'male) ((equal? selector 'enormous?) #f) (else (apply delegate self elephant selector args))))) (define gertrude (make-instance-with-sex elephant 'female)) (define kermit (make-instance-with-sex frog 'male)) (define mrs-piggy (make-instance-with-sex pig 'female)) (define tony (make-instance-with-sex toad 'male)) (define siddhartha (make-instance-with-sex snake 'male)) (define fiona (make-instance-with-sex chimp 'female)) (define barak (lambda (self selector . args) (cond ((equal? selector 'slimy?) 'very) ((equal? selector 'sex) 'male) (else (apply delegate self human selector args))))) ;;; Testing functions ;;; These are all the low-level instances: (define everyone (list fido fifi dumbo gertrude kermit mrs-piggy tony siddhartha fiona barak)) (define (all-props obj) (list 'has-thumbs? (send obj 'has-thumbs?) 'biped? (send obj 'biped?) 'slimy? (send obj 'slimy?) 'hairy? (send obj 'hairy?) 'eye-count (send obj 'eye-count) 'enormous? (send obj 'enormous?) 'sound (send obj 'sound) 'sex (send obj 'sex) 'flies? (send obj 'flies?) 'lays-eggs? (send obj 'lays-eggs?)))
foo(x) { list y = empty_list; l1: if (x == empty_list) return y; y = cons( car(x), y); x = cdr(x); goto L1; }
(define (foo x) (l1 x '())) (define (l1 x y) (if (null? x) y (l1 (cdr x) (cons (car x) y))))
The file should be legal scheme code, with comments indicating which fragment of code corresponds to which problem.
You are allowed to make corrections, because the last submit command supersedes all previous submissions.Turn in the call graph for problem 2 by either (1) handing it in before class, (2) slipping it under the door to FEC 355C, or (3) submitting a postscript file which we can print.