expression | result |
(every - '(3 -5 -8 13)) | (-3 5 8 -13) negate all the numbers |
(keep (lambda (x) (< x 10)) '(1 12 3 14 5 16)) | (1 3 5) keep numbers less than 10 |
(define (foo x y) (+ (last x) (last y))) (accumulate foo '(321 432 543)) | 6 sum of last digits, 1+2+3 = 6 |
(count (keep even? '(11 12 13 14 15))) | 2 the call to keep returns (12 14), which has two elements |
(+ 10 ((if (equal? 'a 'b) + *) 2 3)) | 16 the equal? returns #f, so the if returns *, so we get (+ 10 (* 2 3)) = (+ 10 6) = 16 |
For example (sum-big-ones '(1 20 5 30)) evaluates to 20+30=50.
;;; Filter out the words we care about and add em up: (define (big-one? x) (> x 14)) (define (sum-big-ones sen) (accumulate + (keep big-one? sen)))
(define (foo sen) (accumulate (lambda (x y) (if (> (count x) (count y)) x y)) sen))
Because the function defined by the lambda expression favors its second argument when its two arguments have the same length, foo breaks ties to the right.
Here are some examples, with the length of words written under them to make it easier to see which is the longest:
(foo '(one two three four)) -> three 3 3 5 4 (foo '(one two three four seven)) -> seven 3 3 5 4 5 (foo '(one two seven three four)) -> three 3 3 5 5 4