your time's not wasted
believe what I say
your big investment's
gonna pay off someday
- Timbuk 3
expression | result |
(every count '(aye be c deeee)) | |
(keep (lambda (x) (< (count x) 4)) '(the quick brown fox)) | |
(define (foo f w) (f w 'four w)) (foo (lambda (x y z) (word y (+ (* 10 x) z))) 1) | |
(accumulate (lambda (x y) (word x '- y)) (every (lambda (w) (word w w)) '(a be sea))) | |
(sentence (if (< 1 0) '(bip) '(bop boop)) 'shazam) |
Eg (ave '(7 roses 8 carnations and 10 tulips)) returns 8.3333. (10 points)
(define (foo a b) ((lambda (f aa bb) (f f aa bb)) (lambda (g aaa bbb) (cond ((empty? aaa) '()) ((number? (first bbb)) (sentence (first aaa) (g g (butfirst aaa) (butfirst bbb)))) (else (g g (butfirst aaa) (butfirst bbb))))) a b))