Fall 2012: CS401: Machine Learning and Neural Networks (moodle)
Fall 2012: CS424: Programming Language Design and Semantics (moodle)
Spring 2012: CS431: Special Topics in Computer Science.
Fall 2011: CS401: Machine Learning and Neural Networks
Fall 2011: CS430 Segment 1: Intro Haskell
Spring 2011: CS431: Special Topics in Computer Science See class repository, git clone https://github.com/barak/topics-in-the-infosphere.git
Fall 2010: CS401: Machine Learning and Neural Networks (the blog)
Fall 2010: CS430: Segment on Haskell (the page)
Spring 2010: CS431 Segment 4: Haskell
Fall 2008: Programming Paradigms, NUIM/CS351
Fall 2008: Machine Learning and Neural Networks, NUIM/CS401
Fall 2008: Programming Language Design & Language Semantics (2nd half), NUIM/CS424
Fall 2007: Programming Paradigms, NUIM/CS351
Fall 2007: Machine Learning and Neural Networks, NUIM/CS401
Fall 2006: Machine Learning and Neural Networks, CS401 at NUIM
Fall 2005: NUIM CS 401 Machine Learning and Neural Networks.
Fall 2002: UNM CS 451 Programming Paradigms.
Spring 2002: UNM CS 341.1, Introduction to Computing Systems. Tue/Thur, 12:30-1:45, MH 202. Computer architecture (CPU, memory hierarchy, arithmetic) and assembly language. History of computer architecture. See the blurb in the catalog. This is a change: I am teaching 341, and not 351. (Must also enroll for lab: 341L.2 Tue 2:00-3:15 or 341L.3 Thur 2:00-3:15, both in ESCP 109.)
Fall 2001:
UNM CS 451, Programming Paradigms.
Mon/Wed 4:00-5:15, ME 214. Available for ITV.
Learn some very different programming languages (Prolog, Java, ML,
Haskell) and something about the formal study of programming language
A working knowledge of Scheme, as would be obtained in
CS 257, is a prerequisite for this class.
Fall 2001:
UNM CS/EECE 547, Neural Networks.
Mon/Wed 5:30-6:45, CE 103.
Neural Networks, covered from two perspectives: that of an engineer
who wants to build working systems, and of a scientist who wants to
know how brain-like systems can process information.
Emphasis on hands-on experience. Substantial final project.
Fall 2001:
UNM CS 591.005, Brain and Computation Journal Club.
Tue 4:00-5:00, ME 436.
Everyone in my laboratory - ie everyone who attends lab meetings -
should be signed up for this. Others by permission only.
Sign up for 1-3 credits, depending on how much you work in the lab.
Spring 2001: UNM CS 591.x, Brain and Computation Journal Club. Everyone working in the lab should be signed up for this. ME-436, Time TBA.
Spring 2001:
UNM CS 351,
Design of Large Programs.
Tue/Thur 2:00-3:15, TAPY 201.
A projects course with emphasis on object-oriented
analysis, design, and programming. Also discussed are
programming language issues, programming tools, and other
computer science concepts as needed to do the projects
(e.g., discrete-event simulation, parsing). Programs will
be written in C++.
Fall 2000: UNM CS 547 / ECE 547, Neural Networks, Mon/Wed 5:30-6:45, TAPY 217. CS call number 11099. (Undergrads welcome! Enroll as CS 491.18, call number 20122.)
Fall 2000:
UNM CS 591.5,
and Computation Journal Club,
Tue 5:30, ME 436,
call number 20123.
This class is primarily intended for people associated with the
Brain and Computation lab. We will be reading and presenting papers
from the literature and discussing ongoing research.
Please do not register without permission of instructor.
(Cross listed as: PSYCH 650.020 call no 20267, and CS 491.x call no xxx)
Spring 2000:
UNM CS 257,
Nonimperative Programming.
Mon/Wed/Fri 1:00-1:50, ME 218
Spring 2000:
UNM CS 591.xxx / CS 491.030 / Psych 650.xxx,
Brain and Computation,
Time TBA (probably 2:30pm Fridays), ME 436.
Everyone working in my lab and attending lab meetings should take this.
Others must consult with me before registering.
Fall 1999:
UNM CS 591.007, call no. 13515 / CS 491.001, call no. 19771,
Advanced Programming Language
Tues/Thur 5:30-6:45
Spring 1999:
UNM CS 257, Nonimperative
Mon/Wed/Fri 11:00-11:50, TAPY 201
Spring 1999:
UNM PSYCH 650.12 / CS 591.06
(call no. 20242), Application
of Signal Processing Tools to Brain Imaging
Thurs 5:00-7:30
Spring 1999:
UNM CS 592,
Computer Science Colloquium Series.
as announced
Wed/Fri 3:00-4:00, Woodward 149 (plus Mon/Wed 10:00 FEC 141 or
sometimes 9:30)
Fall 1998: UNM ECE 547 / CS 591.004, Neural Networks.
Fall 1998:
UNM CS 591.002,
Inf Aspects
of Biology.
Stephanie Forrest taught about 50% of this course, and Lance
Williams and I each taught about 25%.
Fall 1998:
UNM CS 592,
Computer Science
Colloquium Series.
Tue/Thur 3:30-4:30, ME 214
Join the CS department as we show contempt of our illustrious speakers
by forcing them to present their work in the worst seminar room on
campus. Big change this term: transparencies are okay - no more
``hair club for men'' videos.
Spring 1998: UNM CS 257, Nonimperative Programming.
Fall 1997: UNM CS 257, Nonimperative Programming.
Spring 1997: UNM CS 591.2, Topics in Learning and Adaptive Systems.